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I’m a Medicaid home care service aid. How do I register with a new CDPAP agency?

NOTE: As of March 28, 2025, all Medicaid Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) Consumers and their aides must transfer to a new CDPAP agency called Public Partnership, LLC (PPL). More information below about CDPAP and how to switch to PPL.…

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How do I enroll in a managed long-term care (MLTC) plan?

Most New Yorkers obtain long-term care services through the State’s Medicaidprogram. New York State requires dual-eligible adults (people who are eligible forboth Medicare and Medicaid) who want to apply for long-term care services toenroll in a managed long-term care (MLTC) plan.…

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How can I protect my family if I am detained or deported?

If you or someone you know is afraid of being detained or deported, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your family ahead of time. Below are tips and forms non-citizen parents of minor children can fill out…

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What immigration protections do I have in NYC?

What is a Sanctuary City? While “Sanctuary City” is not a legal designation, the term reflects a series of policies a city has enacted that limits or refuses its cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. Sanctuary cities are based on the idea…

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Can unpaid property taxes and water bills lead to foreclosure?

You may be AT RISK if you are behind on your property taxes or water/sewer charges. Unpaid amounts become tax liens that may be sold in a tax lien sale and may lead to foreclosure. Although New York City paused tax…

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What do I do if ICE shows up at my home?

Watch video in Spanish here. Do not open the door Remember that ICE does NOT have the right to come into your home unless YOU or a judge authorizes it. You do not have to open the door or let officers…

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Words you might hear in housing court

Here are some commonly used words in housing court. Read them over to prepare for your court date. 311 This is a citywide telephone hotline. Tenants call 311 to report problems in their apartments such as no heat or hot water,…

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What are some common mistakes I can avoid in NYC housing court?

Housing Court can be confusing and intimidating. Many tenants get evicted because of simple mistakes. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:  1. Ignoring court papers Many evictions happen because tenants do not answer court papers. When you receive a nonpayment…

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How to get a lawyer under the New York City Right to Counsel (RTC) Law?

What is Right To Counsel (RTC)? City law mandates that tenants facing eviction in Housing Court or in NYCHA Termination of Tenancy proceedings should receive free legal representation for those cases. However, there are not enough lawyers for everyone who needs…

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How do I get rental assistance when I’m behind on my rent?

New York City tenants can apply for help with back rent through a few different methods, including One Shot Deals, charitable donations, and through housing vouchers, such as FHEPS and CityFHEPS. The first step: Gather your documents One Shot Deal Seeking…

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