World AIDS Day

December 01, 2017

With the recent passing of numerous clients who are long-term survivors of HIV, we have been thinking a lot about the particular vulnerabilities of this segment of the population. They’ve seen and experienced it all: homophobic/transphobic families and communities, isolation in childhood and adulthood, criminalization of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, the trauma of watching their friends, partners and peers suffer and die from AIDS, their own continuous experiences with severe opportunistic infections and other life-threatening conditions, poisonous treatments, cognitive impairments, depression, stigmatization and more. Their experience with HIV has been devastating. It’s important for us to remember that even if they don’t talk about it, many of them have survived unbelievably traumatic lives.

This recent report highlights the difficulties faced by long-term survivors.

Despite all the adversity they face, our clients tell us fantastic stories about their rich and extraordinary lives. We are thankful that we’ve been able to work with so many incredible people living with HIV.

Join us. Demand Justice.

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