Washington Post Calls for Senate to Lift Restrictions on Legal Services

June 22, 2009

Last week, the House of Representatives approved a substantial increase in funding for the Legal Services Corporation but failed to lift unwarranted federal restrictions on how legal aid groups use non-federal dollars. An editorial in the June 22nd Washington Post praises the House's commitment to increased funding but calls upon the Senate to go further in removing obstacles that impede access to justice for the poor.

On Thursday the House approved a budget of $440 million for the LSC —
up $50 million from 2009 funding and $5 million more than the amount
requested by the Obama administration. Lawmakers also lifted a
restriction that kept legal aid lawyers who prevail in cases from
recovering attorney's fees from the losing party — a benefit available
to winning lawyers in many civil rights or consumer protection cases.
This move was important because those fees could be used to further
supplement the LSC's budget.

The Senate, which is scheduled to take up the funding measure this
week, should go even further in freeing legal aid lawyers from federal
restrictions. The LSC has long been prohibited from using public funds
to lodge class-action suits, represent undocumented workers or
participate in any abortion-related litigation. While some limitations
on the use of tax dollars may be warranted, there is no legitimate
reason for federal restrictions on how local legal aid groups use
privately raised funds or money they receive from state or local

Read the full Washington Post editorial by clicking here.

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