State Bar, Courts, and Mayor’s Office Honor LSNYC Family Law and Bankruptcy Work

On Monday, October 25th, the New York State Bar Association, the New York State Courts, and the Office of the Mayor of the City of New York honored Legal Services NYC for both our contributions to financial empowerment of domestic violence survivors at Family Justice Centers around the City and for our continuing work providing bankruptcy assistance to low-income New Yorkers through the NYC Bankruptcy Assistance Project.
Legal Services NYC has been providing free legal services at the Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx Family Justice Centers since those centers opened their doors. Family law attorneys are on site at each of these 3 locations, and conduct civil legal screening for walk in domestic violence survivors. They represent clients in the areas of divorce, custody, visitation, support, and adjustment of immigration status, and make referrals to other legal and social service providers as needed. They also provide guidance and leadership to the development of the Centers.
The New York City Bankruptcy Assistance Project (“NYC BAP”) at Legal Services NYC provides free bankruptcy assistance to low-income residents of New York City. NYC BAP assists people through weekly “bankruptcy workshops,” in which debtors meet with attorneys to learn about and be evaluated for bankruptcy. Where appropriate, the project assists debtors in preparing and filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy petitions. In addition, NYC BAP finds pro bono attorneys for pro se (self-represented) debtors in the bankruptcy courts.
Staff Attorney Terry Lawson accepted the award on behalf of Legal Services NYC-Bronx; Staff Attorney Nadya Rosen on behalf of Brooklyn Family Defense Project and South Brooklyn Legal Services; and Staff Attorney Sandra Mattessich for Queens Legal Services. NYC BAP Coordinator William Kransdorf accepted on behalf of the Bankruptcy project.
View the event invitation by clicking here.
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