SBLS’s Meghan Faux and Client Visit “Like It Is” with Gil Noble

South Brooklyn Legal Services (a program of Legal Services NYC) Foreclosure Prevention Co-Director Meghan Faux (center left, above) appeared on WABC-TV's weekly public affairs series Like It Is on November 15th. Meghan joined SBLS client Pauline Parker-Johnson and attorney Melanca Clark of the Brennan Center for Justice in a conversation with host Gil Noble about the effects of the foreclosure crisis on minority and low-income communities, predatory lending, and more.
Ms. Parker-Johnson, who is fighting to keep her family's Brooklyn home, had this to say about the assistance she has received from SBLS: "I just have to say, God is good, and thanks to South Brooklyn we are feeling much better, because now we understand the process, we understand what we need to do, and that there's real hope for people in this situation."
Link to Segments two through six
Read more about the Foreclosure Prevention Project at South Brooklyn Legal Services.
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