Revenge Porn and Cyberbullying Resources

LSNYC’s LGBTQ and HIV units focus on the legal issues that most commonly come up for LGBTQ and HIV positive individuals with low or no incomes. With that, we have staff with expertise in housing, immigration, family, consumer debt, public benefits, healthcare, advance directives, name and gender marker changes, and discrimination. Additionally, it the goal of our LGBTQ and HIV practice to provide as much assistance as possible to clients presenting with other legal issues. We understand that there is often no one else to handle these sometimes obscure and sometimes exceedingly complex issues.
With that, we’ve worked on a wide range of issues which include: the rights of incapacitated transgender patients, due process rights for supportive housing tenants with mental health issues, HIV test counseling protocol, the negative impact of Marriage Equality on low income LGBTQ couples, and cyberbullying.
After numerous clients raised the issue, we found that resources were extremely limited in the area of revenge porn and cyberbullying. We partnered with Morrison Forester who created this helpful fact sheet and crafted template letters demanding websites remove abusive content (DMCA takedown notice; Non-DMCA takedown notice). We’d love to expand our work in these areas to ensure that more people can access valuable resources and assistance on devastating issues like these.
—Dan Pepitone, Staff Attorney, Manhattan Legal Services
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