Protect Your Home: New Resources for Tenants Seeking Succession Rights in New York City

November 21, 2017, NEW YORK— Manhattan Legal Services (a program of Legal Services NYC) is pleased to provide new multilingual resources for New York City residents who need to establish succession rights in order to remain in their rent-stabilized apartments.
There are over one million rent-stabilized units in New York City. Succession rights allow a remaining occupant to become the tenant of record in a rent-stabilized apartment when the prior tenant of record permanently leaves by moving out or dying. However, establishing succession rights can be a confusing and stressful process for many tenants.
Now, at, New Yorkers can access videos and fact sheets that will help them to understand the requirements for eligibility, what steps to take to start the process, and, importantly, what not to do to avoid potentially jeopardizing their claim. The videos and fact sheets are available in English, Spanish, and Cantonese.
“In our experience, not protecting succession rights is the #1 preventable cause of the loss of affordable housing,” said Shantonu Basu, Deputy Director of Manhattan Legal Services’ Housing Unit. “Given skyrocketing rents, lease rights to affordable housing are extremely valuable. Tenants and advocates should watch our videos to make sure that everyone knows how to pass their apartments on to their loved ones.”
Through the work of our Housing Units, Manhattan Legal Services and Legal Services NYC are at the forefront of the fight to prevent evictions, preserve affordable housing, and ensure that our clients’ apartments are safe.
New Yorkers who need legal assistance, including with housing and succession rights cases, should call our Citywide Access Line from Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 4pm. Dial 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language.
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