As Holidays Approach, Bronx Tenants Have Lived Without Gas for More than 6 Months

November 23, 2016, BRONX, N.Y.— More than 40 tenants of 1777 Grand Concourse gathered today outside their 12-story building for a press conference demanding that 1777 GC LLC/ASDEN Properties provide them with essential services like gas and repairs. City Councilmember Fernando Cabrera joined tenants to demand that the landlord take action. Con Edison shut off the gas in June after finding a 12% concentration of gas in the building, which was in imminent danger of explosion. In addition to the lack of gas, tenants are living with conditions such as leaks, vermin, mold, peeling paint, damaged floors, and broken windows due to neglect. (Photo: tenants and advocates in front of 1777 GC, courtesy CASA)
After waiting for over a month for the gas to be restored, tenants took their landlord to housing court. Currently 46 tenants are involved in a group HP Petition in housing court with the representation of Bronx Legal Services (a program of Legal Services NYC) and the organizing efforts of New Settlement Apartments’ Community Action for Safe Apartments (CASA). Even after several court dates and taking proactive actions, tenants are still without gas.
“Viernes, 3 de junio fue el día que cortaron el gas en el edificio,” said tenant Hanirka Segura. “Hemos sentido inseguridad porque cuando vino Con Edison al edificio encontraron un 12% de concentración de gas en el edificio. Y ahora tememos que suceda un cortocircuito por las pequeñas estufas eléctricas. Aparte de eso estamos sufriendo económicamente ya que tenemos que comprar comida de afuera y también por el alto costo de la luz. Hay personas que le ha afectado más que a otras por sus problemas de salud. Ya hace meses que ellos dicen que están trabajando y nosotros no vemos resultados. Creo que ya hemos esperado demasiado queremos ver un cambió.”
More than 120 violations have been found since the gas was shut off. In addition to living these issues tenants have had the burden of drastic increases in their monthly expenses. Despite the state of the building apartments continue to be listed and rented without notification of the situation.
“Since Con Edison shut the gas off, HPD has found over 120 violations in different apartments throughout the building,” said tenant Kim Osorio. “Although we have two elevators, they are constantly breaking down. This is a major issue because we have tenants who are disabled, elderly and have small children living here. We also have a major problem with mice and roaches. I can’t even empty my garbage in the incinerator room without having an unwanted encounter with the mice and roaches. It is absolutely disgusting! It is an injustice that we have to live under these deplorable conditions. They wouldn’t so why should we?”
Tenants continue to organize a tenant association to demand repairs and the restoration of gas. They have sent letters to management and the landlord detailing these conditions and to elected officials in hope that there will be change soon. With Thanksgiving only a day away, and the rest of the holiday season around the corner, tenants demand their landlord act promptly so that the 150-plus families are able to enjoy these days with dignity.
“I have been a tenant at 1777 GC for approximately 30 years,” said Darrylin McHenry. “We are fighting for all tenants who have to go through such amazing lengths to get basic repairs. Upon us is the Thanksgiving holiday, a holiday meant for feasting with friends and family but tomorrow in these hallways the air will not be filled with aromas of turkey, baked macaroni and cheese, pernil and the like. For months we have endured, but enough is enough! We demand that our means of providing hot cooked meals and for our families and the right to live with dignity be restored now!”
“The owners of 1777 Grand Concourse have an absolute duty to maintain essential services like gas and to ensure that apartments are clean, safe, and fit for human habitation,” said Whitney Viets, Staff Attorney at Bronx Legal Services. “Families should not be forced to prepare holiday dinners on hotplates when the gas goes out, and they certainly should not be forced to live with mold, rats, and vermin. This building was sold in 2013 for $17 million and sold again in 2015 for $25 million—a 50% increase over two years. These price increases are unsustainable and displace low-income communities of color, the elderly, and disabled tenants on fixed incomes. In the gentrifying Bronx, corporate landlords are profiting in the millions while neglecting long-term, low-income tenants like those at 1777 Grand Concourse. By asserting their legal rights to safe, clean, and affordable housing, the tenants of 1777 Grand Concourse will continue to hold the landlord accountable so that they can live with dignity in their apartments.”
Contact: Kate Whalen, kwhalen (at), 646-442-3654
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