LSNYC Social Workers Go the Extra Mile to Support Clients in Need

Every year, LSNYC social workers collect donations from staff, friends, and other sources to provide clients with winter coats and winter accessories, including hats, gloves, and scarves, as well as personal hygiene products.
In 2023, they collected over 100 coats, hundreds of dollars in hygiene items and brand-new winter accessories — and just shy of $1,000 in general needs donations via a wish list.
“We thank our staff for their generous donations, which enabled us to give-back to our community in this meaningful and tangible way. We look forward to continuing this helpful program for years to come,” said Mindy Lupo, Director of Social Work at Legal Services NYC’s Queens office.
The annual coat drive wouldn’t be possible without LSNYC’s dedicated social worker staff, who always show up for our clients in big and meaningful ways.
“One of the greatest pleasures of working as a social worker is witnessing our client’s resiliency. Some have witnessed and experienced some horrifying things and yet they persevere. Our amazing unit understands this and shows great compassion and dedication to their clients and to the work.”
Airam Marcano, LSNYC Social Worker
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Learn more about our Social Work program.
For free legal help, call Legal Services NYC at 917-661-4500 Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Learn more about our intake process here.
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