LSNYC Helps Victims of Identity Fraud Recover Their Savings

James Vesey was nearing retirement at the U.S. Postal Service after a 30-year career. He worked in midtown, sorting mail and unloading trucks. Over the decades, his long days of physical labor had taken their toll on his body, leading to arthritis in his hands and knees.
One day, James checked his bank account and saw something horrifying. There was $20,000 missing from his account with Chase Bank — representing a huge chunk of his retirement savings. He had been the victim of identity theft.
Soon, James found himself unable to pay his rent and faced eviction. He felt ashamed and adrift, not knowing how he would support himself after his retirement, especially as he faced growing mobility struggles. His dark spiral even led to contemplating suicide.
Yet James decided to find a lawyer, and connected with Mary McCune, a staff attorney at Legal Services NYC. Mary relentlessly pursued Chase Bank with phone calls, letters, emails and even visits, trying to get them to look at James’ proof of identity fraud. As is often the case with major banks and their low-income clients, Chase repeatedly ignored both James and Mary.
“It’s not uncommon for bank representatives to throw obstacles in the way of depositors seeking the return of their funds after they suspect fraudulent activity,” said McCune.
After LSNYC shared James’ story with a national media outlet, who called Chase Bank to verify the story, the bank realized that they were facing the threat of bad press over their mistreatment of a longtime client — and returned James’ money in full.
“It’s not uncommon for bank representatives to throw obstacles in the way of depositors seeking the return of their funds after they suspect fraudulent activity.”
Mary McCune, attorney at Legal Services NYC
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