LSNYC Helps Clients Get Disability Benefits After Denial

From huge court wins to individual client help, LSNYC staff members are always working to makes sure clients get what they need, Ms. M, a 54-year-old woman originally from Jamaica, had worked for her company for over 23 years before she one day had a bad fall, severely compromising her mobility. Like others, Ms. M applied for Social Security Disability benefits, only to be denied due to “incomplete records.” Ms. M found it difficult, being homebound, to submit and request records from her numerous providers.
Thankfully, she called LSNYC where an Intake Paralegal in our Queens office, Angela, who quickly submitted a “Reconsideration” online to preserve her claim, then did the hard work of requesting and compiling all the medical records that SSA missed in their initial application decision. Angela gathered all the client’s medical records, along with written reports from her medical providers and submitted them to SSA in support of the client’s Reconsideration appeal.
Thanks to Angela’s hard work, the state’s Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) approved Ms. M’s reconsideration application (which are hard to win), and she will now receive an SSD award of $1567 per month, a true life changer for her. Our client is now able to make ends meet and life a happy and stable life.
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