MLS Wins More than $110 Thousand for Client Who Was Denied Wages
March 5, 2013, New York, NY—Manhattan Legal Services Senior Staff Attorney Julia Rosner filed a complaint with the Department of Labor to obtain unpaid wages for our client, Mr. H, in 2006, and has advocated vigorously on his behalf for the past six years. Mr. H was a delivery man for a supermarket which advertised free delivery services on its bags and elsewhere. The employer had Mr. H bag groceries as he waited for delivery orders, but never paid him an hourly wage in the six years he worked there. Customers often tipped him with food stamps.
Last month, Mr. H was awarded more than $110,000 in unpaid wages and interest. Notably, DoL adopted most of MLS’ damage award calculations. This is a tremendous victory not only for our client but for several of his colleagues—as a result of our years-long advocacy, DoL investigated the employer and subsequently awarded more than $112,000 in unpaid wages and interest to four other deliverymen who had been denied wages.
“I did this on faith, and saw all the injustice the employer did to the other employees who were scared of them,” said Mr. H. “Thank you to God, Manhattan Legal Services,and all the people who helped.”
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